KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships) is a collaboration model originally from the UK that creates tangible development with the use of new knowledge. Together with companies, we create development projects that allow for exchanges of knowledge between the business community and academic institutions, something that both parties have directly benefited from. The development project is headed by a newly graduated academic who is based at the company and works together with a researcher from an academic institution. As support for the project, there is also a business coach. Through KTP, new innovations and ways of working at the company are created and implemented.
Co-operation between the business community and academic institutions
KTP as a collaboration model involves a newly graduated academic who on full-time conducts a strategically qualified development project at a company in the region for up to two years. It could involve product development, market development, process development or energy rationalisation.
The entire time, Mälardalen University will be participating with a qualified mentor, most often a researcher and a coach from the business community. The university may contribute lab resources. The KTP project manager will receive fair market value wages and the company will pay half of the personnel costs. The remaining part will be financed with project funds. From recruitment, through the entire project to its end, the respective projects are secured by a process manager from the university college.
KTP Energi Sverige
KTP Energi Sverige is co-ordinated by Dalarna University in conjunction with six other seats of learning and three Industrial Development Centre companies around Sweden. Thirty newly graduated academics will have the opportunity to work in the project, which will run up to and including the year 2022.